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Feedback and complaints

We are continually looking to turn patient feedback into real improvements in the services we provide. We use it to focus on the things that matter most to our patients, carers and their families.

Giving feedback

To provide feedback:


We make every effort to give the best service possible to everyone who attends our practice.

However, we are aware that things can go wrong resulting in a patient feeling that they have a genuine cause for complaint. If this is so, we would wish for the matter to be settled as quickly, and as amicably, as possible.

To pursue a complaint please contact the practice manager who will deal with your concerns appropriately. Further written information is available regarding the complaints procedure from reception.

We operate a practice complaints procedure as part of the NHS system for dealing with complaints.

Our complaints system meets the national criteria.

How to complain

We sincerely hope that most problems can be dealt with and sorted out at the time they arise. If your problem cannot be dealt with simply and you wish to make a complaint, please make it as soon as possible.

It is important that this is within a few days (or at most a matter of weeks) as it is easier to establish the circumstances of the complaint whilst they are still fresh in people’s minds.

If, for some reason, this is not possible, you must make your complaint within twelve months of the incident giving rise to the complaint, or within twelve months of discovering you have a problem.

Your complaints should be addressed to Hannah Shone (HR & Operations Manager), or any of the doctors.

You may ask for an appointment with a member of the practice management team to discuss your complaint. They will explain our complaints procedure and ensure that your complaint is dealt with promptly.

Please have full details of your complaint available.

Our response

We shall acknowledge your complaint within three working days of the date you raise it with us and aim to investigate your complaint within ten working days.

We would expect at that stage to be able to offer you an explanation or arrange a meeting with the person(s) involved.

We will aim

  • To find out what happened and what went wrong
  • To make it possible to meet with those concerned and discuss the problem
  • To make sure you receive an apology if this is appropriate
  • To make sure that the problem does not happen again

Complaining on behalf of someone else

We always keep strictly to the rules of medical confidentiality. If you wish to make a complaint on behalf of someone else, we have to know that you have their permission to do so.

You must, therefore, obtain consent signed by the person, unless through illness they are incapable of providing it.

NHS England

If you have a problem, we very much hope that you will use our complaints procedure. This way we will be given the best chance to put things right and improve our practice.

This does not, however, affect your right to escalate your complaint to NHS England if you would rather take your complaint to them via the NHS England South East Complaints Hub.

If you are not satisfied with the results of any investigation of your complaint, whether that investigation is by us here in the Practice or by NHS England, you can refer the matter to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman.

Useful addresses and phone numbers

NHS England South East Complaints Hub
NHS Frimley ICB
Aldershot Centre for Health
Hospital Hill
GU11 1AY

0300 561 0290


The Health Service Ombudsman Millbank Tower

0345 015 4033


NHS Complaints Advocacy Service SEAP (Wokingham)

0300 343 5735


Page published: 3 July 2023
Last updated: 8 October 2024