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Surgery clinics

We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery. There are some tasks you can do, such as health reviews, using our online forms. For an appointment or further details please see below or contact the practice.

Preconceptual, antenatal and postnatal

Useful phone numbers:

We advise that you take pre-conceptual folic acid supplements and take extra care over smoking, alcohol and medication.

If you have an on-going medical condition and are newly pregnant, please see your doctor as soon as possible in an ordinary surgery so that a plan for your pregnancy can be made.

All newly pregnant women will need to see a GP who will refer them to the Midwifery service for a booking appointment (this is arranged directly by the midwifery service following referral and normally takes place between 8 and 11 weeks). This will take about one hour and the midwife will discuss with you your medical history and previous pregnancies, if any. Knowledge of family illness or inherited conditions will be useful, so please ask your relatives if there is family history of illness, e.g. diabetes or blood pressure, or if any children have been born with a physical or mental abnormality.

Antenatal classes are held for first time mothers in particular. Your midwife will be able to give you more details of when and where these are held.

For more information see NHS website.

The health visitors support families with children aged under 5.

Family planning

Contraceptive advice is provided by all the doctors or practice nurses during surgery hours. Information is also available on the Family Planning Association website:

Child health

Our GPs normally carry out a full medical examination on all babies at 6 to 8 weeks, during your postnatal visit. The health visitor may target your child for further reviews at 9 months and at 2½ years. If you have any concerns about your child’s health or development the health visitors and doctors will be able to advise you.

We recommend that your child is immunised against serious disease as per the NHS recommended schedule.

Health coach

Are you looking to improve your health and wellbeing?

Do you ever

  • feel down?
  • have problems sleeping?
  • worry about your health?
  • find coping a challenge sometimes?

We have a new service available to patients living with the following conditions: Diabetes type 2, cardiac conditions or breathlessness. Our clinically trained NHS health coaches can talk to you about your health, provide support and help improve your quality of life.

To make an appointment please contact reception or call 0300 365 2000 and quote ‘health coach’.

Health promotion

Our practice nurses welcome the opportunity to offer you the following services:

  • Specialist asthma, diabetes, heart and blood pressure clinics
  • Contraception
  • Well woman and well man clinics
  • Advice for teenager
  • Advice on smoking
  • Help and advice with weight problems
  • Holiday immunisations
  • Influenza immunisations (please attend advertised in-house clinics)
  • Removal of sutures and wound dressing
  • Hearing testing

The practice nurses are available daily and will be happy to discuss other health matters.

Smoking cessation clinic

The Swallowfield smoking cessation service is no longer offered by Smokefree Berkshire due to low uptake. If you want to quit and would like to speak to a counsellor about the options available, please visit

Nicotine replacement therapy is available from this service. The surgery will not ordinarily provide these to you on prescription.

Minor surgery

Our doctors are able to carry out some minor surgical procedures by appointment, instigated by your GP.

Citizens Advice

Citizens Advice run a periodic outreach ‘clinic’ at Swallowfield surgery. Please contact reception for further details.

Community navigator

Community navigators are available to help and support patients, getting them involved in local communities and signposting them to different voluntary organisations.

If you need support or information e.g. you may be a carer or have been diagnosed with a long term condition, for more information please visit their website: contact reception if you would like to book an appointment.

Community navigation scheme (PNG)

Register of carers

If you are looking after a relative, friend or neighbour or a child who needs extra help, you are a carer. Please let us know if you are a carer so that we can include you in our register, as help may be available to you.

Page published: 5 May 2023
Last updated: 8 October 2024